Well, it’s been a bit busy, which explains the lack of blog. Apologies to those of you who are eager for more news.
I think ChurchCentral is a bit splendid, as the prayer times this week have had a strong sense of the presence of God, and I’ve felt so at home and relaxed and a part of what is going on… Somehow my heart is being turned from caring about a seaside-resort-lovin’ arty-saucy city to a multi-racial landlocked heart-of-the-nation second-city.
Most of my at-home-ness is due to the wonderful welcome I have received from so many lovely people (and several of them are truly, deeply lovely), expressing friendship to me. I think I’ve settled on a Life Group (we meet on Thursdays for food, fellowship, worship, discussion of the Word and prayer) in a variety of homes, with a great bunch of people, many of whom are pregnant, it seems. Most of the others have recently (and I mean since Christmas) become engaged either to each other or to other members of the church.
In addition to Life Group, I have also been recruited onto the Alpha (local curry house), to share the leading of a Table (whatever that means) and to give a talk as well on the AwayDay. I’ve contacted one of the musicians and may become part of a band for Sundays, and I’ve started discussions which may lead to an invite to speak to the student group. Not bad for just 6 weeks or so… and the first two were pretty quiet, since many people were away for Christmas.
In my new house, most of the boxes are opened and emptied, although some ‘deep archive’ ones remain. The big bedroom is still a dumping ground, although it’s ideal for the ironing board and all that sort of laundry stuff. My office (illustrated) works well, and the lounge is a constant source of delight to me. Most evenings I stroll around it, marvelling that it take 10 steps to get from end to end, and that all my books, DVDs & CDs are stored there, along with a table & chairs. My sofas are on order (more about them, later, perhaps) and a flat-screen telly is featuring strongly on my To Purchase Once Thoroughly Researched list.
Since it’s winter, the garden makes no demands. Long may that circumstance continue.
Now I need to sell my car, which is parked outside the house and mocking me a little.
Oh, yes, this is all throwaway chatty stuff, but I never promised a theological treatise or even anger about roadusers every time, did I?
I think ChurchCentral is a bit splendid, as the prayer times this week have had a strong sense of the presence of God, and I’ve felt so at home and relaxed and a part of what is going on… Somehow my heart is being turned from caring about a seaside-resort-lovin’ arty-saucy city to a multi-racial landlocked heart-of-the-nation second-city.
Most of my at-home-ness is due to the wonderful welcome I have received from so many lovely people (and several of them are truly, deeply lovely), expressing friendship to me. I think I’ve settled on a Life Group (we meet on Thursdays for food, fellowship, worship, discussion of the Word and prayer) in a variety of homes, with a great bunch of people, many of whom are pregnant, it seems. Most of the others have recently (and I mean since Christmas) become engaged either to each other or to other members of the church.
In addition to Life Group, I have also been recruited onto the Alpha (local curry house), to share the leading of a Table (whatever that means) and to give a talk as well on the AwayDay. I’ve contacted one of the musicians and may become part of a band for Sundays, and I’ve started discussions which may lead to an invite to speak to the student group. Not bad for just 6 weeks or so… and the first two were pretty quiet, since many people were away for Christmas.
In my new house, most of the boxes are opened and emptied, although some ‘deep archive’ ones remain. The big bedroom is still a dumping ground, although it’s ideal for the ironing board and all that sort of laundry stuff. My office (illustrated) works well, and the lounge is a constant source of delight to me. Most evenings I stroll around it, marvelling that it take 10 steps to get from end to end, and that all my books, DVDs & CDs are stored there, along with a table & chairs. My sofas are on order (more about them, later, perhaps) and a flat-screen telly is featuring strongly on my To Purchase Once Thoroughly Researched list.
Since it’s winter, the garden makes no demands. Long may that circumstance continue.
Now I need to sell my car, which is parked outside the house and mocking me a little.
Oh, yes, this is all throwaway chatty stuff, but I never promised a theological treatise or even anger about roadusers every time, did I?