First in a series on noticing stuff when you should be concentrating
Do you know the worship song by Chris Tomlin Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord? Well, in the bridge at the end of the verse repeats, there's a section which goes like this:
You're the defender of the weak
You comfort those in need
You lift us up on wings like eagles
Now, don't get me wrong. But the other Sunday we were singing this with great gusto when a thought crossed my mind and I wondered if it was a sermon structure. How about this:
Taking the idea of Jesus being the defender of the weak and applying a footballing motif:
1 Jesus is the Defender of the Week – protecting us, fighting off the enemy, taking on the firey darts of the evil one and generally doing a Bobby Moore/Tony Adams/John Terry kind of role, tidying up any attacks and launching their own.
2 Jesus is the Striker of the Month – getting in there with incisive attacks on the strongholds of the enemy, taking the axe to the root of our sinful nature, making sure that we're on the victory side. Let's think Pélé, Ronaldo, Bobby Charlton, Keegan, Rooney...
3 Jesus is the Goalie of the Season – we're in a terrible situation and we need a saviour (someone who can save) and prvent the enemy fom taking the lead or getting a foothold. This time, think Gordon Banks, Pat Jennings, Bob Wilson, Shilton, Dino Zoff...
And when the final whistle blows, are you celebrating or distraught?
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